Leaders of Tomorrow... Today (LOT/T)What is LOT/T?
You may be LOT/T and not know it. LOT/T or Leaders of Tomorrow... Today is a special interest group that is often perceived as the "Next Generation" of the Rep Function. Rather than age, it is about experience in the industry. Rep Agents who are beginning their careers or are new to the Rep Function are LOT/T Members. There is no age criteria! Activities at Annual ConferenceDedicated LOT/T Events are planned each year at the AIM/R Annuall Conference. Activities may include an off-site visit to a local Rep Agency, Manufacturer, or Distribution Center.
ContactNate Wolfe, CPMR, LOT/T Representative CONTACT NATEHave questions regarding LOT/T and how you can become more involved? Contact Nate Wofle, CPMR, AIM/R LOT/T Representative at [email protected].